Herefordshire charity holds 'pop-up' shop to help families with school uniforms

The South Wye Development Trust ran the event this week in Hereford

Children across Herefordshire and Worcestershire are set to return to the classrooms next month
Author: Elliot BurrowPublished 23rd Aug 2024

A Herefordshire charity has held their annual pop up shop, aimed at helping families in the area receive free school uniforms.

South Wye Development Trust in Hereford ran the event this week at their base in the Kindle Centre, and have been doing so for the last couple of years.

Chief officer for the group Mandy Evans says they've seen the need for such a service in the area, and the impact it has.

"We've just learned families are really struggling," she said.

"They're struggling to feed their kids in the school holidays, and they're also struggling to get them clothed ready to go back to school.

"We started doing this just after Covid with the cost of living crisis, and we try to do them in the half-terms before the children go back to school."

Children are set to return to the classrooms next month.

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