Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue service urging people to camp safely this summer

The team are asking people to follow advice as the warm weather arrives

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service are calling for people to be safe when camping this summer
Author: Elliot BurrowPublished 23rd Jun 2024

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue are calling for people to be safe and listen to advice when they head out camping this summer.

The service say there is simple tips people can follow when going out in their tents and caravans, while also making sure that open fires are fully out before leaving places.

John Elsworth is their station commander for prevention, and wants people to enjoy the warm weather by listening to the advice.

"The summer and the countryside, whether you're camping or whether you're just exploring, is there to be enjoyed," he said.

"Just by taking these few simple precautions, you can ensure that the risk of fire is reduced or even completely eliminated, which will protect the countryside and enable you to have a really enjoyable summer.

"If you're in a tent, try and make sure that they're spaced far enough apart in case a fire does start, don't smoke inside your tent, and please never use candles in your tent either, torches are a lot safer.

"You can fit and test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms just as you would in your home in caravans, and if you have an open fire, make sure that it's fully extinguished before you leave."

More advice can be found over on the service's website.

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