'It's not enough': West Midlands 'Long Covid' sufferers react to government funding

They've announced £18.5m for four studies into long term effects

Author: Megan JonesPublished 18th Feb 2021
Last updated 18th Feb 2021

Four major studies into the long-term effects of coronavirus will be boosted by £18.5 million of Government funding.

The cause, symptoms and effects of long Covid will be investigated during the research, Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced on Thursday (18 February)

Around one in 10 people with coronavirus are estimated to continue experiencing symptoms after 12 weeks.

Some 55 different long-term effects, including breathlessness, headaches, coughs, fatigues and the cognitive impairment of a "brain fog'', have been identified by a systematic review.

Mr Hancock said:

"I am acutely aware of the lasting and debilitating impact long Covid can have on people of all ages, irrespective of the extent of the initial symptoms.

"In order to effectively help these individuals we need to better understand long Covid and identify therapeutics that can help recovery. This funding will kickstart four ambitious projects to do just that.''

The funding will be shared among four studies.

Imperial College London will investigate what causes persistent symptoms - potentially indicating possible treatments - by looking at the common factors in the thousands of volunteers who have taken part in its React study.

Data from more than 60,000 people will help define long Covid, improve diagnoses and understand why some people develop the condition in a study from University College London.

Its child health institute at Great Ormond Street will research the condition in children.

Birmingham University will look at therapies for particular symptoms of long Covid.

England's chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty said the research "will increase our knowledge of how and why the virus causes some people to suffer long term effects following a Covid-19 infection - and will be an important tool in developing more effective treatments for patients''.

Well, after the government announcement, we've been speaking to people in the West Midlands who are suffering with 'Long Covid'.

Nicola Mitchell grew up in Worcester and says she caught coronavirus in December 2019:

Claire Hastie from Birmingham set up the Long Covid Support Group on Facebook and has been left in a wheelchair after having coronavirus:

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Andy Crane

Greatest Hits Radio (Hereford & Worcester)