Police investigate after dog killed by larger dog on Malvern Link Common

Officers stress incidents like this 'are not common'

Author: Oliver MorganPublished 20th Oct 2024

An investigation continues by police in Malvern after they report a small dog being killed by a larger dog.

They say it happened on Malvern Link Common on Friday - and they've not seized a hound under the Dangerous Dog Act.

They add incidents like this 'are not common' - and say they'll act swiftly to take appropriate action against their owners.

The full statement read: "A police investigation was commenced after a small dog was killed by a larger dog on Malvern Link Common on 17th October. Over-night a dog was seized under the Dangerous Dog Act 1991 as part of this investigation.

"Local enquiries are continuing, if you witnessed the incident, please contact the local policing team on linkanddyson.snt@westmercia.police.uk or 101 quoting reference 00215_i_17102024.

"We want to reassure the public that incidents like this are not common in our local area and the police will act swiftly to seize dogs dangerously out of control in public and take appropriate action against their owners."

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