Charity helps sick girls regain identity

The Little Princess Trust provides wig for Herefordshire girl undergoing chemo

Author: Chris TatePublished 24th Oct 2021

A 7-year-old girl has been telling us about her journey with Leukaemia - and how one Herefordshire charity made her feel like herself again

Isabel was diagnosed when she was just three-years-old. She went through years of treatment, where she lost her hair, but she's now fully cancer-free!

Thanks to The Little Princess Trust, a charity which provides real hair wigs to children and young people going through chemo, Isabel was able to feel normal while she was poorly.

Wendy Tarplee-Morris is the co-founder of the charity - which she set up after her daughter Hannah lost her battle to cancer. She believes that giving someone a wig that resembles their hair as much as possible will give them confidence and restore some of their identity.

The charity is asking anyone who's thinking of chopping off their hair to think about donating it.