Wheelchair-friendly taxis could be doubled after complaints users are being ‘cut off from society’

Harrogate Borough Council has proposed to increase the amount of dedicated licences for wheelchair-accessible taxis from 11 to 23.

Author: Natalie HigginsPublished 18th Sep 2020

The number of wheelchair-friendly taxis in Harrogate could be doubled after complaints that disabled people have been “cut off from society” because of a lack of travel options.

Harrogate Borough Council has proposed to increase the amount of dedicated licences for wheelchair-accessible taxis from 11 to 23.

It comes after the council commissioned a study which found disabled people were suffering from a “great deal of anxiety” over worries that they could not get around.

Jackie Snape, chief executive of Disability Action Yorkshire, said that before lockdown wheelchair users were being put under a “cab curfew” because they could not get a taxi after 5pm, leaving some stranded miles away from their homes.

Mrs Snape said users described the situation as “unfair” and that it was impacting their everyday lives.

She said introducing more dedicated licences is now the best way forward.

“Disabled people don’t want to contact a charity for transport, they want to be able to call a taxi company, and have a cab pick them up and take them to their chosen destination,” Mrs Snape said.

“Covid has meant that many disabled people have been self-isolating and the demand for wheelchair accessible vehicles has not been there. However, as they begin to venture out, this will change because at the moment they would much rather get a taxi than use public transport.”

Of the 148 taxis currently operating in the area, only 11 are wheelchair accessible, according to the study.

The study also said approximately two per cent of the population in the Harrogate district are wheelchair users.

The council’s licensing committee met last night to discuss the issue and agreed that the 12 extra licences should be made available.

The committee also agreed that the maximum length of a taxi with wheelchair access should be increased to 5.2 metres, and that the council should continue to promote firms which offer such services.

Councillor John Mann said the problem is “very difficult” one, but added it is replicated in many other large towns.

“I do think we need to increase the supply of wheelchair vehicles for wheelchair users,” he said. “At the same time, we need to protect the sustainability of the local taxi trade.”

Some cabbies have argued that the council should offer cash grants for drivers to upgrade their current vehicles.

They also said wheelchair-friendly taxis are less profitable and can cost thousands of pounds more than a typical saloon car to buy outright.

Garry Sadler-Simpson, chairman of Mainline Taxi Association, said in a letter to the council: “Add to this the length of time spent on each job making sure your passenger is comfortable and safe at both sides of each job and it can be another reason for drivers of these vehicles taking far less money.”

Kevin O’Boyle, owner of Central Taxis, also said in a letter: “As an operator of five wheelchair accessible vehicles I cannot see this unmet demand. We very rarely need to refuse a journey.

“It is a well-known fact that anything to do with disability politically is a ‘hot potato’, and one has to be seen to be doing something. Personally I dispute that there is a problem.”

The committee will meet again to discuss the proposals before a final decision is made at a full council meeting.