North Yorkshire Mum calls for changes to make roads safer after death of teenage son

Author: Kathy GreenPublished 16th Sep 2024

A North Yorkshire Mum whose teenage son died in a car crash - is calling for a changes in the law to improve road safety.

18 year old Aaron Bell was killed along with two other teenagers near Beadale in 2022 - the driver was later jailed.

His Mum Nicola Bell Percy wants the Government to look at various rules like stopping newly qualified drivers under 24 - being able to carry passengers of a similar age.

"It would just mean that there is restrictions on once you've passed your test, not being able to take passengers at the same age, you're probably looking at probably night time driving because that's when a lot of the accidents do happen. Potentially engine sizes of cars."

"You know, as a mum, you know you always want to put things right. That night I couldn't put anything right for my son. The only thing he did wrong that night was to get into the wrong car."

"He was one who had always helped his friends be the first to help, so I think. Knowing that we're doing something to try and help somebody else in his memory, I think he would be proud of us."

She also has this message for parents: "Please keep constantly nagging at your kids, even if they're whinge back at you that when they're going out in the car, just remind them of what speeding and the consequences can do."

What do the Government say?

A Department for Transport (DfT) spokesperson said road safety was "an absolute priority" for the government.

"Through our long-standing Think! Campaign, we are encouraging behaviour change in order to tackle dangerous driving,"

"We are committed to delivering a new road safety strategy – the first in over a decade. We will set out next steps on this in due course."

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