Plans for 550 new homes near Otley criticised by campaigners

A new road and a primary school could also be built.

Author: Richard BeechamPublished 1st Feb 2021

Plans to build 550 homes near Otley have been described as a “grave disappointment” by environmental campaigners.

Under the plans, a 1.32km relief road would be built between the A659 Pool Road and the A660 Leeds Road - as well as around 550 new houses and primary school.

Campaign group Wildlife Friendly Otley says the consultation, by development consultants Lichfields, is being rushed and should be extended.

The plan will also include five hectares (12 acres) of employment land and public open space.

The group’s chairman Andrew McKeon said: “We urge people to make their voice heard on behalf of our wildlife which is one of Otley’s main assets and attractions.”

“The consultation leaflet and information on the website ignores the environmental protections for future developments that were agreed and voted for by Otley residents last year in the Otley Neighbourhood Plan.

“Vital wildlife habitats such as hedgerows, trees, copses and streams which are essential for hedgehogs, badgers, birds, small mammals, butterflies and pollinating insects will be lost or irreparably damaged by the new road and the huge amount of housing.”

While the consultation ends this week, Mr McKeon said other routes of protest can be used, such as gerring in touch with local councillors, as well as using social media.

He added: “We support provision of affordable housing in Otley and believe this can be delivered with minimal impact on wildlife if the development is carefully planned and delivered. What’s good for wildlife is good for people.”

The document, published by development consultancy Lichfields, states: “(The plans provide opportunities to) create a strong north-eastern gateway to Otley Town, and remove a significant amount of the through traffic currently traveling through Otley Town Centre.”

The houses, it claims, will include a percentage of affordable homes and be made up of a mix of sizes and types – including older people’s living accommodation.

It listed other potential benefits including improving access to public spaces, improving the choice for housing and employment space in Otley, as well as providing extra primary school places.

Developers hope to submit a planning application over the next month, and for it to be approved by the end of the year. It is expected that work will be completed on the site by the summer of 2028.