Man jailed over fatal crash near Wetherby

It happened in April 2019.

Author: Harry LongPublished 11th Mar 2021

A man's been jailed for more than seven years for a crash near Wetherby which killed a 62 year-old woman.

It happened in April 2019 on the A168 between Kirk Deighton and Walshford.

23 year-old William Charles Jackson was overtaking a vehicle in his car when he collided head on with another car - in which the woman was a passenger. Two other passengers in the car suffered life-changing injuries.

He pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving and causing serious injury due to dangerous driving.

The collision killed 62-year-old grandmother Maria Cuzyova, who was visiting her family from Slovakia.

Mrs Cuzyova’s daughter, Michaela Young and her son-in-law Nicholas Young both sustained life changing injuries in the incident. Their 5-year-old daughter, who was also in the vehicle at the time, only sustained minor injuries.

Speaking after the sentencing, Senior Investigating Officer Traffic Sergeant Kirsten Aldridge from the North Yorkshire Police Major Collision Investigation Team said:

“My heart goes out to the Young and Cuzyova family.

“Maria had just arrived in the UK to visit her family over half term. They were travelling back home after spending a lovely evening together and should have been all been able to return safely. However, due to the irresponsible actions of Jackson and his poor decision making, they will forevermore remember that night with heartache and sorrow.

“I’d like to thank my colleagues in the Major Collision Investigation Team and Forensic Collision Investigation Unit for their hard work and determination in bringing this case to court and securing justice for the family. While the sentence handed to Jackson today will never bring Mrs Cuzyova back, I hope it does help the family to move forward knowing that justice has been served and Jackson will spend time behind bars for the crime he committed.

“I hope the sentence also acts as a reminder that every driver on the road has a responsibility for the safety of other drivers and road users around them. A poorly judged manoeuvre or a hastily thought through decision can have devastating, fatal effects. So, please drive safely and with consideration to others at all times.”