Can you solve our Harrogate & the Yorkshire Dales puzzles?
Have a go at our fun riddles and puzzles all about our area!
We've got a selection of challenging but fun puzzles all about Harrogate and the Yorkshire Dales!
Can you unscramble the anagrams, crack the codes and solve the riddles?
Have a go at our Harrogate & the Yorkshire Dales puzzles:
Here are the answers...
How did you do?
Answer One
Answer Two
Each letter in the code is three letters ahead in the alphabet, so to work out the place name, go back by three! D = A, E = B, F = C etc.
Answer Three
Answer Four
The chemical composition of the water 'turns items to stone'. Tourists can by the petrified items in the gift shop!
Answer Five
Answer Six
The numbers in the code represent the letter's place in the alphabet, so A = 1, B = 2 etc.
Answer Seven
Answer Eight
The Royal Pump Room in Harrogate now houses the town's museum.
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