Humberside Police urge us to remain cautious and vigilant

It comes as lockdown restrictions have eased further allowing for greater freedoms indoors

Police are investigating the woman's injuries
Author: Charlotte FoleyPublished 18th May 2021
Last updated 18th May 2021

As of Monday 17 May 2021, more restrictions have been lifted under Phase 3 of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown.

With venues like pubs, restaurants and theatres re-opening inside, you can now socialise with up to six people, or two households.

Up to 30 people are also able to meet outside and all holiday accommodation can now open, to be used for groups of up to six or two households.

For more information on the changes please refer to the government website here.

Assistant Chief Constable of Humberside Police, Darren Downs, said:

“I want to thank the residents of the Humberside Force area who have offered us unwavering support and have adhered to the guidelines since the beginning of the pandemic.

“Whilst it has been a strange and difficult time for many, sticking to the guidelines as we enter into the final month of the roadmap is vital for the safety of you and your loved ones.

“This is not the time to become complacent as there is always the threat of a new strain. Remain vigilant and cautious.

“However, we are now in a much more positive position from where we were just a few months ago as the vaccine rollout has surpassed the proposed timescales and the roadmap can hopefully continue as planned.”