Grimsby to pilot Hospital at Home Scheme for children

The scheme starts today and will go on until the end of March

Hospital at Home team
Author: Demi OlutunmogunPublished 22nd Nov 2021

A new service aimed at treating children with minor illnesses at home is being piloted in Grimsby.

Hospital at Home has launched today (22 November) and will run until the end of March.

The service will take referrals for the following minor illnesses:

• Bronchiolitis

• Viral induced wheeze/asthma

• Gastroenteritis/diarrhoea and vomiting

• Fever of known origin

• Croup

If a child meets the criteria, they will be discharged from hospital and the team will make contact within two hours by telephone, before a home visit is arranged.

During the home visit, the Hospital at Home nurse will carry out an assessment, which includes recording a pulse rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation level, temperature and blood pressure.

Julie Hamill, advanced paediatric nurse practitioner, said:

“One of the reasons for setting up this service is in response to the current respiratory surge we are experiencing.

"We are seeing lots of referrals so the aim of the pilot is to provide a service that can assess and monitor a child during an acute phase of illness in their own home, while providing support and education to the family.

“This is the first time we have done something like this in the Trust. It takes the stress off the child and also helps educate the parents about managing their child’s illness now and in the future.

"It is hoped it will also reduce our inpatient admission rate. If it’s successful, it will be rolled out in other areas too.”

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