Details have been revealed on proposals for 550 new houses west of Scunthorpe

It's one part of the Lincolnshire Lakes development

Author: Ivan Morris Poxton Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 3rd Mar 2025

Another step has been reached in the planning process to create the Lincolnshire Lakes villages west of Scunthorpe and east of the River Trent.

A hybrid planning application has been made for up to 550 homes, a local centre and associated ‘on-plot’ landscaping’ on land east of the A1077(M) and north of Brumby Common Lane. Hargreaves Land Limited is the applicant.

Documents also indicate plans for a GP surgery with pharmacy, and a small nursery. The site is currently made up of good to moderate and very good quality agricultural land.

The Lincolnshire Lakes scheme, long in the making, plans up to 6,000 new homes across six new villages between Scunthorpe and the Trent. This latest planning development is part of what was known as ‘village one’ in the council’s Lincolnshire Lakes area action plan.

Outline permission is sought for the 550 homes, landscaping, drainage and other infrastructure works. Full permission is being asked for a new road off the M181/A1077(M) roundabout, a pedestrian and cycle link to Scotter Road, a pumping station and more.

A transport assessment forecasts on a typical weekday 7,200 two-way trips, based on 550 homes, a local centre of 2,499 sq m, with up to 500 sq m of food retail, a nursery, and a 1,000 sq m GP surgery. There is also an expected biodiversity net gain of 16.36 per cent in habitat units. And that the development would include habitat areas created to support Water Voles. This species is endangered in Great Britain, and is perhaps best known as ‘Ratty’ in Kenneth Grahame’s Wind in the Willows.

The up to 550 homes scheme is far from the only Lincolnshire Lakes planning development in recent months. Also in the planning process are:

1,200 homes at land west of Scotter Road South, Bottesford – Gleeson Homes are moving this, and it had its EIA scope outcome given in January.

59\9 of a 1,188 homes village linked to the Burringham Bypass – Keepmoat Homes.

2,500 homes, village centre, medical facilities and a primary school Lincolnshire Lakes project north of where the M180 meets the M181 – this has outline permission, but variation of conditions is sought. Keepmoat Homes is the applicant.

8\1 homes off Scotter Road South, near to Silica Lodge Garden Centre – Gleeson Homes are behind this planning application.

Combined, these developments and the latest application add up to 4,930 Lincolnshire Lakes homes at various stages of the planning process.

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