More than 500 students in North East Lincolnshire given temporary exclusions

20 were expelled permanently over the last academic year

Author: Local Democracy Reporting / Jamie Waller Published 3rd Nov 2021

Despite schools not being open for some of the last academic year due to Covid over 5 hundred pupils were given temporary exclusions in North East Lincolnshire.

The figures have been revealed for the last academic year.

In addition 81 primary school pupils were given fixed term exclusions.

The figures are lower than normal, possibly because of the pandemic.

Meanwhile 20 students were given a permanent exclusion.

That's fallen to its lowest level for 5 years.

It's much less than the 2017 to 18 academic year when 55 were excluded permanently but again the pandemic may account for that.

Cleethorpes Academy permanently excluded six children during the 2020/21 school year, the most of any local school.

Principal Janice Hornby said that students who put others at risk will continue to face strict measures.

She said: “The decision to permanently exclude a student is only taken in response to a serious breach or persistent breach of the academy’s behaviour policy and where the education or welfare of other members of the academy would be seriously impacted,” she said.

“The academy works hard to ensure that all staff and students feel valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. Our Behaviour Policy is in place to support our school community in living and working together in a mutually beneficial way, and to provide a safe and secure environment in which our young people can grow and become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of their academy and the wider community.

“Behaviour which, in any way, disrupts learning at the academy is unacceptable and we constantly promote positive behaviour for all students at all times.

“However, appropriate sanctions are imposed if students fail to meet the academy’s high standards, and any student engaging in severely inappropriate behaviour which puts other members of the academy and the wider community."

John Whitgift Academy also permanently excluded four pupils, and Ormiston Maritime Academy and Tollbar Academy each excluded three.

A North East Lincolnshire Council cabinet report said: “Whilst the stabilisation of permanent exclusion, and the reduction in fixed term exclusions is to be welcomed, it was recognised by Headteachers and Academy Leaders that there was still work to be done to reduce exclusion across the board and ensure the success of the managed move process.”

It adds: “Ultimately academies hold the final decision around the issuing of exclusions, both fixed and permanent, and whilst every effort is made to support academies in reducing exclusions, often they follow directives from their own Trust.”