Double child killer Colin Pitchfork not to be released from prison

The Leicestershire murderer, who killed and raped two 15 year old girls in the 1980s, was sent back to prison after breaching the conditions of his release in 2021

Leicestershire schoolgirl Dawn Ashworth, who was sexually assaulted and killed by Pitchfork in 1986
Author: Callum Parke PAPublished 7th Dec 2023

Double child rapist and murderer Colin Pitchfork cannot be released from prison, the Parole Board has ruled.

Pitchfork was jailed for life with a minimum term of 30 years in 1988, later reduced to 28 years, for raping and strangling 15-year-olds Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth in 1983 and 1986 respectively.

The Parole Board met in October and November to decide whether he could be released, with its decision summary published on Thursday.

It said: "After considering the circumstances of his offending, the progress made while in custody and on licence, and the evidence presented at the hearing, the panel was not satisfied that release at this point would be safe for the protection of the public.

"Nor did the panel recommend to the Secretary of State that Mr Pitchfork should be transferred to an open prison.

"In the panel's view, there remains a need for Mr Pitchfork to complete further work to address the identified risk factors in his case and it determined that this work should be undertaken in a closed prison.

"Mr Pitchfork will be eligible for another parole review in due course."

Pitchfork became the first man to be convicted in the UK using DNA fingerprinting evidence following the murders in Leicestershire.

He was released in September 2021 but recalled to prison two months later for breaching his licence when he approached a lone woman while litter-picking.

The Parole Board said in June this year that the decision to recall him was flawed and that his detention was no longer necessary for public safety.

The decision was blocked by the Justice Secretary, Alex Chalk, who in July ordered the decision to release him be reviewed.

Pitchfork, who was 27 when he was jailed, had his case reviewed on October 2 and 3, and November 6, where he was aged 63.

It must be reviewed again in two years.