South West kids return to school as roadmap out of lockdown begins

Vulnerable families are being forced to send their children in despite concerns

School crossing patrols could be cut.
Author: James DiamondPublished 8th Mar 2021

Thousands of children all across the South West will return to school today, for the first time in months.

The day marks phase one of the roadmap out of lockdown, with schools now back open to everyone not just the children of key workers, for the first time since before Christmas.

Many, perhaps most families will be excited by the change as it marks an end to home schooling, but a significant number of parents fear schools still are not safe enough for their situation.

Some families with legitimate concerns are still being told they must send their children in or face legal action, despite the government previously suggesting their should not be a blanket rule on attendace.

Meanwhile we've heard reports some schools are taking children off roll so their attendance figures are not impacted.

James Diamond has been investigating the issue.

You can watch his special video report below: