Gloucstershire Police crack down on knife crime as part of national campaign

Weapon surrender bins have been placed at seven police stations in the county

A selection of knives and weapons surrendered to police at Bearland station
Author: Isabel KimbreyPublished 16th Nov 2021

Gloucestershire Police are cracking down on knife crime as part of the national campaign called Operation Sceptre.

Weapon surrenders bins have been placed at seven police stations across the county to try and take as many knives and weapons off the street as possible.

The surrender will give the people of Gloucestershire a chance to dispose of any knife, weapon, firearm or ammunition.

The weapon amnesty bins are at:

  • Bearland, Gloucester city centre
  • Cirencester
  • Coleford
  • Hester's Way
  • Stroud
  • Dursley
  • Stow
  • Handing over weapons is also completely anonymous and police will not ask any questions.
  • Gloucestershire Constabulary also have Schoolbeat officers who work with schools to deliver talks to young people about violent crime.
  • These specialist officers will be reminding pupils of the risks of carrying knives during the campaign.
Chief Inspector Carl Bourne holding two 'zombie knives' handed into the amnesty bin
  • Chief Inspector Carl Bourne said: "Tackling violent crime has always been a priority of our police force, but in recent months with the tragic deaths of Josh Hall and Matthew Boorman we understand the public are concerned about knife crime.
  • "This campaign is part of wider work we are doing with our communities to make the streets safer. Officers have been going into schools talking to young people about the dangers of carrying a weapon and the tragic effects knife crime cause.
  • "There are charities such as The Door, Young Gloucestershire and The Aston Project among other partners that officers work with to engage young people and communities and to educate them of the true dangers of knife crime.
  • "Many firearms and weapons in Gloucestershire are held in innocence and ignorance of their illegality or are simply just overlooked or forgotten in people’s homes.
  • How can I surrender my weapon?
  • If you have a knife or weapon you want to surrender all you have to do it walk into one of the police stations where an amnesty bin is and hand it over the to officers at reception.
  • You are advised to use a few sheets of newspaper or cardboard to wrap a knife ensuring that there is enough material to prevent it piercing through.
  • It should also be sealed with sticky tape to stop the knife being easily removed or falling out of the wrapping.
  • Firearms should be secured in a box or strong bag and any ammunition in a separate box or bag. Never attempt to take an uncovered weapon out in public.
  • Authorised firearms officers will be available to collect firearms for those who are unable to attend a police station.
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