Gloucestershire County Council introduces six-step plan to slow the spread of coronavirus

The measures will support the Government's three tier system announced last week

Dr McMahon expressed his condolences to people who lost loved ones during the pandemic
Published 21st Oct 2020

Gloucestershire County Council have created a six-step plan to slow the spread of coronavirus cases in the county.

It focusses on protecting the most vulnerable residents, increasing enforcement action and calls for joint community action to continue to follow public health guidance.

It's been implemented due to the rise on covid-19 cases in Gloucestershire, although the number remains far below the North of England and below the national average.

What's the plan?

1) Increased enforcement: Continue to work with and support businesses and individuals to follow the guidance, but take action where there is a lack of cooperation - this could mean closure of an event or place, if they are not Covid safe and issuing fixed penalty fines, where necessary.

2) Welfare checks: Those who we know need help and reassurance to self isolate will be contacted directly to check that they have access to food, medicines and other support whilst they stay at home. In cases where we can’t get hold of people by phone, Gloucestershire firefighters will be on stand by to carry out homes visits.

3) Suspend care home visits: Director of Public Health, Sarah Scott, will write to all care homes advising them to suspend visiting. We will work with care homes to make sure there are other, safe ways, for residents and their loved ones stay in touch, with exceptions for those who sadly have to say goodbye.

4) Covid-19 Gloucestershire Protection Representatives: Known nationally as marshals, the new district officers will be out on the streets across the county from next week – not enforcing but advising, helping and supporting us all to understand and follow the guidance.

5) Letters to those in shielding group to remind and reassure: Whilst there is currently no need to shield, we will be writing to those on the shielded list advising them to reduce their social contacts, reminding of the support and advice that is available to them and to take other steps to keep themselves safe, such as getting the seasonal flu jab.

6) Do it for yourselves. Do it for each other: We must all continue to follow the public health guidance if we want to slow the spread of Covid-19. This includes: washing hands regularly, keeping a safe distance from others, wearing a face covering and not mixing in groups of more than six.

Leader of the county council, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, said:

"I want to thank our residents, businesses and partners for everything they are already doing to prevent the spread of Covid cases in the county– but we must keep this up.

“Whilst, thankfully, cases of Covid remain lower than many other parts of the country - they are rising. Further action is necessary now, to prevent the need for restrictions which we can’t control. Let’s do it for each other – let’s slow the spread of Covid-19."

Director of public health at Gloucestershire County Council, Sarah Scott, said:

“We recognise that some of these steps will be difficult for our community, especially where it affects people being able to be with loved ones, but they are crucial to minimise the risk of Covid-19 in our community.

“It is especially important as we head into the Winter months, where demand for health and social care services is at its highest. We know everyone has already been working hard to keep to the guidance, but it is more important that ever that we don’t give up.”