Cheltenham man jailed for more than eight years for serious sexual assault

The man raped a woman in October 2021.

Author: Harry LongPublished 23rd May 2024

A Cheltenham man has been jailed for more than eight years for the serious sexual assault of a woman.

50 year-old Neil Roberts of Godwin Road, Winchcombe, appeared at Gloucester Crown Court for sentencing on Tuesday.

He had denied raping the woman and assaulting her causing actual bodily harm in October 2021 - but was found guilty at a trial earlier this year.

In a personal statement heard by the court, the victim said: "Although he raped me, I carried the guilt of allowing it to happen to me. Now, after two years of fighting for him to be held accountable, I can admit to myself that I have been raped, and that it isn't my fault.

"He always told me the police would never believe me, and I truly believe that he thought he could manipulate people into believing his lie. I'm glad that he has finally been held accountable for who he truly is, and hopefully one day he will be able to admit that to himself.

"Two years ago, I had no idea if I would ever be able to hold him accountable for raping me. Although I now have to carry the label of being a 'rape victim', I can be proud that I have spoken out and shown him that there are consequences for his actions."

In defence, Roberts had told the court that his victim had attack him and the oral sex was consensual.

Roberts was sentenced to eight years and six months in prison for the rape, and two years and nine months for the assault, which will run concurrently.

He must serve two-thirds of his sentence before being eligible for release on licence, and must have his name added to the Sex Offenders' Register.

Recorder Jaron Crooknorth told Roberts that, despite humiliating and abusing his victim, he still showed no remorse for his actions.

Speaking after the sentencing, Detective Constable Freya Smith said: "This was a particularly nasty rape and assault. I would like to commend the victim for her determination, courage and patience in seeing this case through and ensuring that Roberts was brought to justice.

"Roberts is a dangerous offender who continues to show a lack of remorse for his vile actions. His time behind bars will give him an ample chance to reflect on what he has done.

"Allegations of rape and sexual offences are treated extremely seriously, and we investigate them with the utmost sensitivity. We will believe you, listen and support you throughout every step of the investigation."
