£1m EuroMillions ticket claimed in North Lanarkshire

It was bought for the draw on October 31.

Author: Callum McQuadePublished 3rd Jan 2024

A £1m EuroMillions ticket has been claimed in North Lanarkshire for a draw on October 31.

Camelot UK Lotteries Limited, operator of The National Lottery, says it will now go through the process of validation as with all major prizes.

This includes checks to ensure the Games Rules Terms and Conditions are adhered to and the integrity of The National Lottery is protected.

Andy Carter, Senior Winners’ Advisor at The National Lottery, said, “We are absolutely delighted that this lucky ticket-holder has come forward and claimed their prize, what a way to start 2024 - just imagine the possibilities for them this year.

“It’s now our job to support the ticket-holder through the process - we support each and every National Lottery winner in the same way - and we will do this as quickly as possible to ensure they can very soon begin to enjoy their life-changing win.”

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