Officers investigating ice cream shop fire in Rutherglen

They're treating the blaze at an ice cream shop this morning as suspicious.

Author: Callum McQuadePublished 13th Dec 2023

Officers have started an investigation into a fire in Rutherglen which broke out in the early hours of this morning.

People living nearby had to be evacuated as the blaze at Kyle Square was brought under control.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Officers are treating a fire at an ice cream shop on Kyle Square, Rutherglen, as suspicious.

"Around 1.20am on Wednesday, 13 December 2023, a car was deliberately driven into the shop and the car set alight which has significantly damaged the shop premises as a result.

"Following a multi-agency response, surrounding accommodation was initially evacuated as a precaution.

"A flat immediately above the business is still affected with the householder seeking alternative accommodation.

"There have been no reports of anyone being injured."

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