Glasgow United FC left counting cost of Storm Isha

Business owners across the city are being asked to help give the club a hand.

Author: Callum McQuadePublished 23rd Jan 2024

The boss of Glasgow United is telling us they've still not seen all of the destruction caused by Storm Isha on Sunday night.

Extreme winds and rain blew the whole roof off the changing rooms, stopping the team from playing matches on the grounds.

Hugh Kelly told Greatest Hits Radio: "There is damage to the inside of the premises as well and we are concerned about high water levels running down the walls.

"We don't know how bad it is yet because we can't get inside until the roof is fixed."

Committee members from the club have set up a fundraising page to help deal with the cost of repair work.

It's understood the players will not be claiming any expenses from the club for a couple of weeks to ease the pressure.

Hugh added: "I have been at the club for 25 years and this is the worst thing to happen since I joined.

"I really hope some businesses in the local community will step in and help us out."

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