People and groups celebrating community pride in Colchester recognised

Colchester Borough Council launched the Together We Can awards in August.

Author: Arlen James

They aim to recognise and celebrate community pride in neighbourhoods across the borough, and thank those who give their time and effort for their communities.

While it was hoped a ceremony would take place to honour the recipients of the plaques, the ongoing pandemic has meant that wasn't possible.

Instead they will receive a personal phone call from the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Nick Cope or the Mayoress Mrs Elizabeth Cope.

The winners of the Together We Can plaques are:

  • Colchester in Bloom
  • The Munch Club
  • Not So Secret Sewing Society
  • Tots2Teens
  • The Boaz Project
  • Colchester Foodbank and Greenstead Foodbank
  • Anti Loo Roll Brigade
  • Focus Crafty Wise
  • Sunflower Project
  • Colchester Chinese Association
  • Multi Schools Council
  • Refugee Action - Colchester
  • African Families in the UK
  • Colchester Life in the UK
  • Uruhu Woman's Voice
  • Wivenhoe Mutual Aid
  • Home-Start Colchester

The Mayor of Colchester, Councillor Nick Cope, said: "These awards recognise the many great ideas and projects in the community, which help make Colchester a better place. It is touching to see so many people put in great effort for the benefit of others.

"I have been proud to support these awards and look forward to speaking to some of the recipients and thanking them personally for the great work they do."

Councillor Mike Lilley, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Wellbeing and Public Safety, added: "When we launched this project, we hoped we would be able to celebrate with a small ceremony. Sadly, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we cannot host a ceremony this time.

"But I want to say a big thank you to all those community groups who will be receiving their plaques. I hope they display them with great pride. It is people like this that really make a difference to the community and I celebrate them."

The plaques will be hand-delivered to the winners in the coming weeks.