Free sun cream dispensers a hit in Essex

The idea came from a local Leigh resident

Sam Batstone with the Safe Sun dispenser
Author: Sian RochePublished 23rd Aug 2022

A scheme to see free sun cream dispensers installed in hotspots in Essex this Summer has been a roaring success.

Back in May we told you about Sam Batstone, who'd worked with Leigh Council to get one free SPF 50 sun cream dispenser installed at his local beach in a bid to tackle skin cancer, littering and the high cost of sun cream... now there are more than 40 across the country.

We caught up with 32 year old underwriter Sam, who says he's amazed how far things have come: "It's been fantastic, the pick-up from everyone has been amazing. We now have over forty dispensers nationwide, some in Scotland, Wales, Jersey and across the UK.

"The idea was picked up by social media and the interview we did on Greatest Hits Radio and loads of people have got in touch. It's been really well received...

"I'm absolutely blown away. I can't believe the growth of it and I'm so excited that people are investing in the idea.

"All it takes is one dispenser and that could save a life.

"It's so cost-efficient, cheap and straight forward to do but it makes such a big impact to a community and to the businesses supporting the idea."

The Safe Sun dispenser in Old Leigh

Sam told us all about some of the locations the Safe Sun dispensers can now be found: "A lot of sports clubs and private businesses have embraced them.

"Bolton Wanderers have some in their stands, Seven Oaks football club have also put some up- these ones get lots of use as they've got over one thousand players across 65 teams at their grounds.

"There are also some in schools, which is so needed, because kids are outside all day in playgrounds constantly being exposed to UV rays.

"We've even got local businesses along Southend Seafront, for example, The Roslin Beach Hotel have just implemented their own dispenser for their terrace. It's brilliant."

The original idea

He says the idea came from a trip to the beach: "I was on the beach in Leigh with my partner and it was one of those typical British days where it starts off cloudy and then gets sunny.

"We were getting a bit burnt, people around us were getting a bit burnt and as I looked around I saw all of the hand sanitiser dispensers because of the pandemic and thought ‘wouldn’t it be great if one of them dispensed sun cream?’

“I had a look around and couldn’t find anyone who was doing it and that’s when I approached the local council who gave me a grant, and now it’s here!”

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