Palm oil washes up on Tendring coastline

Dog walkers are being asked to take care

Author: Lauren WattPublished 16th Feb 2021
Last updated 16th Feb 2021

The district council says it's in the Dovercourt area, with a large quantity found remotely down the backwaters.

Palm oil can get into the marine environment after being released by ships offshore and then being carried to the coastline by the tide.

It can become contaminated with waste products which can cause serious health problems to wildlife & dogs.

Spokesperson for the authority, Will Lodge, said:

"We would advise dog owners to keep a close eye on their pets and consider keeping them on leads on beaches particularly if they are prone to sniffing or eating what they find, as many dogs are. Palm oils is not hazardous to humans, but can be toxic to dogs"

The District Council are in the process of clearing the substance.