New procedure improves throat cancer diagnosis in Essex

The procedure, at Southend Hospital, means eligible patients find out their results two to three weeks earlier than with the traditional approach

Author: Jon BurkePublished 27th Jan 2025

Suspected throat cancer patients are benefiting from faster diagnosis and earlier treatment thanks to a pioneering biopsy technique.

This procedure at Southend Hospital, called transnasal oesophagoscopy, means eligible patients find out their results two to three weeks earlier than with the traditional approach.

Ear, Nose, and Throat Registrar at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, Oliver Sanders, said: “It’s about seeing patients as quickly as possible, which means we can either give them the good news that they don’t have cancer, or make sure they start treatment sooner if they do.”

With the new procedure doctors examine a patient’s throat, voice box or food pipe and take tissue samples in a single 45-minute appointment, using small surgical instruments passed through the tube.

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