Attracting more footfall to Colchester key for pandemic recovery

The leader of the borough council says ongoing investments will help the town bounce back in our #LeadersInLockdown interview

Author: Arlen JamesPublished 18th Mar 2021
Last updated 18th Mar 2021

WATCH: Mark Cory answers your questions in our #LeadersInLockdown interview from 7pm on 18 March.

Improvements to Colchester's town centre to attract more visitors is the aim to recover from the pandemic.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, announced in the 2021 Budget that Colchester would receive £18.2 million pounds.

Leader of the authority, Mark Cory, says the success in the Towns Fund bid will help "polish the crown jewels" of Colchester and aid in its recovery from coronavirus.

He said the money will be used for:

"Public realm works that bring people in, that make our streets look nicer and encourage more social gathering, when we're allowed to do it, in nice green urban landscapes."

It's hoped projects made possible by the Towns Fund will attract people into the area, promote the rich heritage of the town, while also highlighting the businesses within it.

The authority is also looking at different ways to increase the amount of footfall throughout the town by making better use of buildings.

Cllr Cory added:

"We're looking at car parks that are lower on usage, using and redeveloping them, bringing in some housing which would mean more footfall for the town centre. Housing that is close to the train station and bus station, and improving the bus station as well."

The pandemic has taken its toll on many parts of people's lives, including the loss of jobs throughout the country.

Cllr Cory wants to see a national "green jobs revolution" to benefit the environment through things like greener housing, which would also allow people to learn new skills to develop the projects.

On a local level, the leader of the authority said they will prioritise local contractors for investments within the town centre and housing developments across the borough.

You can find out what Mark Cory has to say on other topics such as Freeport East, mental health, rough sleeping and more in the full interview when it premieres this evening.

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