Harlow Man jailed for 10 years for child sexual offences

An investigation was launched in 2021 after the victim reported the abuse

Man faces 10 years in prison for child sex offences
Author: Lana WildashPublished 30th Apr 2023

Specialist detectives have praised the bravery of the victim of a dangerous sex offender after her attacker was jailed for ten years.

Ryan Jacobs, 25, was deemed a dangerous offender by the courts after repeatedly abusing a child across a six-month period in 2017.

After the victim reported the abuse in 2021, we launched an investigation and put immediate support in place.

Jacobs, of Spinning Wheel Mead, Harlow, was interviewed by police in June and December 2021, but he refused to answer any questions.

Despite this, there was extensive evidence compiled against him due to a thorough investigation; Jacobs had no choice but to admit to his offending.

In March 2023, he admitted charges of raping a child and causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

Jacobs appeared at Chelmsford Crown Court on Monday 24 April for sentence.

He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment with a five-year extended licence period.

He will remain subject to indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention and restraining orders, and must sign the sex offender’s register for life.

An impact statement was read to the court on behalf of the victim, with her making reference to the anxiety she has suffered as a result of Jacobs’ actions.

Senior investigating officer Detective Constable Charles O’Mahony, of Harlow’s Child Abuse Investigation Team, said:

“Jacobs is now safely behind bars for a significant period, removing a dangerous sex offender from our streets.

“He was interviewed twice and chose to make ‘no comment’ to all questions put to him, putting the brave victim through a protracted period of uncertainty whilst we worked tirelessly for months to gather the evidence needed to secure the charges against him.

“Working with partners was absolutely key in this case.

“Throughout the investigation and to this day, the victim is supported by a team of Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs), dedicated support workers from local charities to assist her through the criminal justice process and be there when she needed them.

“At court, Jacobs pled guilty to all counts, but only after hearing the weight of evidence against him.

“He was correctly identified as a dangerous offender and the pre-sentence report made mention of him being manipulative and making excuses for his behaviour, I firmly believe there is no excuse possible for the depraved acts he has admitted responsibility for.

“I hope the victim in this case can take solace in the fact that one of the final things Jacobs heard in the court room was her victim impact statement being read out to him, in which she took her opportunity to tell him exactly what she thought of him and the impact his behaviour has had.”

Our Child Abuse Investigation Team is made up of dedicated officers who specifically investigate child sexual offences and support the victims.

The team are provided with specialist training enabling them to deal with the complexities of these investigations, equipping them with the skills required to manage reports of this nature.

As with all our sexual abuse investigation teams, their compassion, sensitivity, policing experience and knowledge ensure that this team are made up of the best people to ensure victims are safe and offenders are brought to justice.

DC O’Mahony added: “I joined Essex Police in March 2020 on a specific programme to become a detective.

“I am glad that I am now fully qualified and on a department that deals with the most vulnerable victims in society, children.

“I hope that this sentence acts as a deterrent and a reminder that Harlow Child Abuse Investigation Team will investigate any allegations to the fullest extent and that time elapsed since offending does not necessarily mean offenders have gotten away with anything. “

Child abuse

If you’ve been affected by issues in this article there is help available from these services:

Childine - 0800 1111 - https://www.childline.org.uk

NSPCC – 0808 800 5000 - https://www.nspcc.org.uk

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