£20k Grant To Fund Restoration Work On Historic 'Jumbo' Water Tower

The Colchester landmark is showing signs of decay

Balkerne Water Tower - photo by North Essex Heritage
Published 3rd Sep 2020
Last updated 3rd Sep 2020

£20,000 has been granted for investigation and repair works on a grade II listed water tower in Colchester.

The Balkerne Water Tower, known locally as Jumbo, provided clean water for just over 100 years from 1883.

The funds from Historic England will be used to preserve the landmark, which is showing signs of decay.

Why is the tower so important?

The tower is the tallest and most intact municipal water tower in England.

It has now stood empty and unused for over 35 years and the condition of the tower has significantly deteriorated, leading it to be placed on Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register.

There's particular concern about the cast iron water tank, which is showing signs of cracking, and roof leaks causing timber decay.

Project development grant funding from Historic England will enable digital and structural surveys, test repairs to the cast iron tank and essential temporary roof repairs.

Tony Calladine, Regional Director, Historic England (East of England) said: “The ‘Jumbo’ Water Tower is a significant and much-loved local landmark in Colchester. As the tallest and most intact municipal water tower in England, it is a nationally important heritage site. We’re pleased to support the project development phase for the building, enabling urgent temporary repairs and the first steps towards a long-term sustainable future for this remarkable structure.”