25 arrests made during Essex police county line drug operation

£5000 in cash and A class drugs have been seized during a week long operation to crack down on county-line drug networks

Author: Astrid MacQuillinPublished 10th Mar 2023

Essex Police have said drugs and dealers aren't welcome in the county, after several arrests have been made in a week-long operation to crack down on county line drugs networks.

Arrests have been made across Basildon, Chelmsford, Harlow, and Brentwood, bringing the total number of arrests to 25 with specialists operations also working in Manchester and London.

So far, twenty-one people have been charged and and officers are continuing to look at those released on bail and under further investigation.

In searches, officers seized £5000 in cash and class A drugs, including £600 of cocaine and £670 of heroin. £2000 worth of high value clothing was also found, along within a number of weapons, hammers and knives.

Essex Police have said preventing people from becoming involved in drug crimes is just as important as the work the Serious Violence Unit does to tackle down on drug networks.

The force are work closely with local authorities such as the Essex Violence and Vulnerability Unit to safeguard and steer people away from drugs.

They've said that as part of their work throughout County Lines Intensification Week, they were successfully able to safeguard twenty-one people, stopping them from becoming involved with drug gangs.

It's hoped continued advice from experts will help victims disassociate from that lifestyle.
