People in Essex given say on local roads policing

People who live, work and travel in Essex are being asked for their opinon on the future of roads policing in the county.

Published 11th Sep 2020

The Police Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) says anyone with concerns about speeding or are worried about road safety in the area, should make their views known on their new online survey.

Essex Police says the Government is currently reviewing roads policing and what the future of traffic law enforcement may look like.

As part of the review, the Department for Transport is running a 'Call for Evidence in Roads Policing' to establish what practices make a difference and how things can be improved.

The national public survey has been launched to understand local communities' idea of law enforcement, the risks to safety, and fixed penalty notices.

They say the results will help inform local Police and Crime Commissioners and be passed back to Government for their review.

Roger Hirst, who's the local Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, said: "Improving safety on our roads are priorities in both our Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan with our objective being to reduce harm on the roads and promote safer driving.

"More people in Essex die on our roads than in any other kind of accident or crime.

"That's why it is so important that we contribute to this review. Many residents and local councillors contact me with concerns about road safety, it's a topic that comes up regularly at our public forums, so I know it is important to many people.

"The survey only takes a few moments of your time but could make such a difference in the future."