Essex charity's campaign to give carers a break reaches £200,000

The money will be used to enable home carers to take subsidised respite breaks.

Author: Arlen JamesPublished 19th Oct 2020

The Raise a Million fundraiser, which is part of the Revitalise #CareForCarers campaign, was launched on 1st October and has already raised 20% of its goal.

The emergency respite care fund was set up to enable thousands of home carers to take needed breaks.

CEO of Revitalise, Jan Tregelles, said: "With your help, our Raise a Million fundraiser has got off to a flying start. It is fantastic that just after two weeks, our #CareForCarers emergency respite fund has topped £200K. Thank you.

"We still have a long way to go to reach our Raise a Million goal, but it is clear that we are touching hearts and minds with our campaign.

"Home carers really do live on every street across the UK. Working tirelessly to take care of a seriously ill or disabled loved one. Often, doing everything without any community support. Incredibly tough is an understatement. One day - anyone of us could be in their shoes."

She continued to urge the Government to act on recommendations included in the Social Care - Covid-19 Taskforce Report, highlighting the impact new coronavirus restrictions could have on home carers.

To support the Revitalise #CareForCarers campaign, visit their website.