Colchester Zoo asks for public support during lockdown

The Managing Director has written to supporters for their help as an uncertain future looms.

Author: Arlen JamesPublished 12th Nov 2020

Like many businesses, zoos and aquariums across the country, Colchester Zoo found itself closing it's doors for the second time this year on 5th November as England entered its second lockdown.

While it may not be entertaining visitors, the work behind the scenes continue as the team care for its animals.

Colchester Zoo was able to find some sense of normality returning as the first lockdown eased and they began to welcome supporters back, but it now faces an uncertain future.

In a letter to supporters, Managing Director Dr Dominique Tropeano OBE said: "The virus has managed to bring back the sleepless nights, all the worries of the spring are here again upsetting our lives both private and professional.

"This is a crossroad and a very dangerous one bringing us into unchartered grounds.

"Our doors here at Colchester Zoo are now closed and locked, so the tills have stopped ringing. We have to look at what finances we have been able to save, where we must spend it and certainly be very careful because there is no hope of huge funding coming our way.

"There is never a right time to see any business close down but it is clear this is the worst thing that could happen to a zoo, including Colchester Zoo."

As well as caring for animals in the North Essex location, the zoo also needs to ensure its conservation programme at Umphafa in South Africa can continue.

Dr Tropeano continued: "Should we not be able to re-open our doors early December, it will feel like clouds gathering in a dark winter sky and a storm of gigantic proportion will hit us. Its force may prove to be too much and may leave complete devastation behind.

"We have always managed the zoo with financial prudence, and we know it is unlikely grants will be available to us or many other zoos, so we will continue to be extremely prudent but will ask you to be as helpful as you can.

"Perhaps renew your Zoo Pass if you are a passholder, or if you have a booking, instead of asking for a refund reschedule your visit, purchase an adoption or gift voucher for an Animal Experience, and if you can then please donate to our Emergency Operating Fund online.

"Just before closing down a gentleman and his wife I bumped into at the bottom of the zoo came towards me and after the usual good morning he talked about the zoo but referred to it as ‘our zoo’ meaning his zoo, he then stopped and said ‘yes we know it is your zoo but we call it ours’.

"Since taking over in 1983 this has always been my aim this is a zoo for the people, we aim to get people to feel good being at home as well as at Colchester Zoo. Those few words made me very proud and satisfied."

Information on how to support Colchester Zoo can be found on its website.