168 new homes to be built on former Towerlands Equestrian Centre site in Braintree
Its part of a wider redevelopment which will eventually include 500 homes as well as new services
Permission has been granted for the first phase of a huge redevelopment of a former eventing stadium on the outskirts of Braintree.
Braintree District Council voted unanimously to approve plans for 168 homes on the former Towerlands site last night, April 5.
The scheme forms the first phase of a wider redevelopment of renowed equestrian centre that cold see up to 575 homes, a nursery, and retail and community facilities.
Outline permission for the entire scheme was granted by the planning committee in April 2021.
The committee is granting permission for 168 two, three, four and five bedroom houses plus associated parking and landscaping, together with public open space, a play area agreed with officers that the proposed appearance; landscaping; layout and scale of the development is acceptable in planning terms and that the proposal “constitutes a well-designed and carefully considered proposal”.
However there has been objections from Panfield Parish Council which has concerns over an increase in traffic entering the village envelope, thereby degrading village character and distinguishable separation from Braintree Town.
The Parish Council would like a guarantee that investment will be attributed directly to improving the highways in the village and that to combat light pollution street lights shod not be installed.
“Panfield prides itself on being a dark skies area and residents did not want streetlights installed. Concerned that this developments lighting will impact upon residents and wildlife,” the council said.
“Overall we understand that outline permission was granted but would like serious consideration given as to how S106 monies and local investment from this development will be used to help Panfield Parish as although it does not sit within their boundaries the effects will be inequitably be felt by this Parish that prides itself on its appearance and community.”
Councillor David Mann (Lab, Bocking North) said: “This is not a speculative site it has been through the local plans process. It is in part on previously developed land it is part brownfield and it will bring some significant community facilities in time give the high numbers of housing entailed.
“I think what we have is acceptable. No-one likes a concentration of new housing on their patch but this is a well-designed and something that has been through the democratic process and we can applaud that.”