Coronation Street spoilers: Carla Connor's message from beyond the grave

Carla hits breaking point

Author: Marianna MansonPublished 4th Apr 2019
Last updated 6th Apr 2019

Next week on Coronation Street, Carla Connor hits breaking point when she receives a chilling message from an account claiming to be Rana Habeeb's.

As Peter and Ken Barlow try to get to the bottom of who could be sending it, Carla's paranoia spirals.

On Friday, it all gets too much - she leaves the house barefoot and Peter finds her staring at the remains of the factory.

Across the cobbles, Gary Windass sinks to a new low when Rick Neelan makes his most outrageous demand yet.

Will Gary be able to hide the truth from Sarah Louise Platt? And will she give the game away when she unwittingly hands the company accounts over to police?

Chesney Brown's near miss with a milk truck leads him to vow to make a will. But though Gemma Winter promises to look after Joseph should anything happen to him, Chesney instead puts down Tyrone and Fizz Dobbs as guardians. How will she react?

Sinead Tinker and Daniel Osboure look to the future as Sinead's last cancer treatment approaches.

CHECK OUT Coronation Street spoilers Monday 8 - Friday 12 March

Coronation Street spoilers

As Aidan's birthday looms, Carla doesn't want to visit his grave for fear of bumping into Kate. When Pete tells her that her family have already visits, Carla is convinced.

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At the Rovers, the Connors raise a glass to Aidan, but Kate is not happy to see that Peter has brought Carla along to the memorial.

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A furious Kate storms into the back room, accusing Carla of killing Rana. A crestfallen Carla is comforted by Peter.

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Later on at the pub, Carla is chilled when she recieves a message reading, "you destroy everything you touch".

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Horrified, Carla hands the phone to Peter, and they're aghast to see the message has been sent from Rana.

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Peter furiously accuses Kate of sending the message, but both she and Imran deny knowing anything about it. Johnny tells Michelle he's worried the message will send Carla over the edge.

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Back at No.1, Ken and Peter worry about Carla, who pours over her phone as she mindlessly knocks back wine, certain she's being watched.

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When another message from 'Rana' is sent to Carla's phone, the three of them are baffled and Peter vows to get to the bottom of it.

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Carla leaves a voice message on 'Rana's' phone, begging whoever it is to call her back. Meanwhile, Peter apologises to Kate for blaming her and they decide to work together to work out the mystery.

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But Kate has an ulterior motive – to find out whocould be sullying Rana's memory. She enlists the help of Imran and and Ayla to find out who of Rana's friends might have access to her accounts.

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Carla has been growing increasingly paranoid at No. 1, and begins to fear Peter has been brainwashed when he comments on her erratic behaviour.

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When Peter finds Carla wandering barefoot with a glazed look in her eye, staring at the remains of the factory, he realises she is seriously ill.

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He takes her to the medical centre, but Carla believes it's a trap and panics when Toyah tells her she needs to see a mental health specialist. She makes her escape, and Peter reports Carla as missing.

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As Chesney narrowly swerves a potentially fatal collision with a milk truck, he decides to make a will. He asks Tyrone that in the event something should happen to him, he and Fizz take care of Joseph.

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Meanwhile, Emma has organised a Mr and Mrs competition at the pub. Gemma is thrilled when Chesney argues that he and Gemma don't need to be married to show their commitment and take part.

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But things take a turn for the worse when Chesney wrongly identifies Gemma's worst trait as 'irresponsible' and they lose the quiz.

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Gary has been tasked with minding Harry for the day, but when Mary asks him to fix her guttering, he can't turn down the money.

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Sarah is furious when she finds out that Gary has left the baby with Faye. Looking to soften the blow, Gary tells her that Peter's bribe money all went on paying his workers and so he still has to graft.

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But things aren't going well for Gary, who is ignoring Rick's calls. Eventually Rick turns up and drives Gary to an assisted living complex, and tells him he expects him to con some gullible old biddies into taking out 'loans'.

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With Rick looking over his shoulder, Gary feels guilty as he convinces a nice old lady that he's a loans provider, and she lets him into her house.

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Later on, when the police visit the office requesting company accounts, Sarah hands them over, only too happy to help.

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Determined to get Natalie to quit, David draws out a list of menial tasks for her, like cleaning the toilet, and counting the shampoo bottles!

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Cottoning on to what he's up to, Natalie agrees when David presents her with a ridiculous costume to wear to hand out leaflets.

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Determined not to let him win, when Natalie next sees David she makes sure to tell him how grateful she feels to be learning the tricks of the trade.

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As Sinead's final treatment approaches, she confides in Daniel about how scared she is of the cancer coming back, and he reassures her about their future together.

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After speaking to Ken about Bertie's christening, Daniel suggests that instead of a traditional ceremony they hold a humanist naming ceremony instead. Sinead is taken with the idea, but knows her family will expect a traditional service.

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Arguing more than ever, Toyah tries her best to restore some peace between herself and Imran but can tell he hasn't been himself since Rana's death.

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Imran promises Toyah he will make more of an effort, but when he corners Wayne in the pub demanding details of the inquest report, it's clear that Rana is still very much on his mind.

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Imran's fury continues as Nick heads out to open the new factory. Imran later finds a shoulder to cry on when Nick reveals that his dad was murdered and assures him that although grief never leaves, it lessons and you learn to cope with it.

Now let's recap on what's going on this week in Coronation Street.

As the village mourns the death of Rana Habeeb, another gets ready to leave the cobbles for good

At an emotionally charged memorial service, Robert Preston loses his cool and demands Carla Connor confess to her part in the roof collapse. A tearful Carla admits that she knew the roof was unstable, but never thought it would collapse.

Carla is taken in for questioning, and when she returns to the village, a furious Roy Cropper kicks her out.

Luckily, Peter Barlow is on hand to support her as the rest of the village turn their backs.

Gina Sneddon prepares to leave Weatherfield, but when she drops into the cab office to say goodbye to Tim Metcalfe she's alarmed to find him seriously ill.

Sally Metcalfe takes Tim to the hospital and tells him he needs to start eating healthily. As Gina decides it's time to go, Sally thanks her for her part in saving Tim's like and begs her to stay.

A welcome home party for little Bertie turns awkward when Claudia Colby's present – a baby monitor – picks up Beth Tinker slagging her off. Ken Barlow defends Claudia, but are they more than friends?

Chesney Brown is sick and tired of cleaning up after Gemma Winter, and Billy Mayhew brings an ex-con to work in the Bistro.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.