Viking FM Awards

These annual awards recognise the achievements of individuals who help make East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire the unique, dynamic and nurturing region it is.

Published 4th Sep 2015

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The Viking FM Awards - in partnership with Quality Solicitors Lockings and Cash For Kids - celebrates the very best that Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire has to offer. These annual awards return on Friday 6th November, raising money for Viking FM's Cash for Kids, with thanks to Lazaat Hotel and Restaurant in Cottingham for their generous support for a second year.

We're looking for people who have achieved above and beyond, fought adversity, stood up for a cause, or inspired their communities.

From those who help put us on the map, to those who work tirelessly to make our region a great place for all to live, the Viking FM Awards aim to recognise and celebrate all that we have to be proud of!

Lazaat Restaurant Bar Hotel</a>

The Awards----------

Apprentice of the Year

Sponsored by Best Training

The Apprentice of the Year Award will celebrate apprentices who have made a significant difference to the organisation they work in.

So if you have placed an apprentice with a company and you know they have made a significant difference, or you are a manager of a business that has taken on an apprentice and now you feel you cannot do without them, nominate them here.


Carer of the Year

Sponsored by NHS Hull CCG

The Carer of the Year Award is an opportunity to highlight and reward the efforts of some of the most hardworking individuals who support and care for thousands of vulnerable children and adults every day across our region.

This award is open to both professional careers and private individuals who look after a loved one at home. So if you know someone who dedicates their life to caring for others, nominate them here.


Charity Fundraiser of the Year

Sponsored by The Foundry Shopping Centre, Scunthorpe

The Charity Fundraiser of the Year Award is for those people who work tirelessly to help others. As well as raising money, they raise the spirits of those around them. They campaign for their causes and inspire other generous people to part with their money.

Great charity fundraisers also inspire others to run and jump and climb and cycle their way to their own fundraising glory!


Contribution to Sports Award

Sponsored by Napoleon's Casino & Restaurant, Hull

The Contribution to Sport Award recognises that the Viking Radio area has produced some amazing sporting moments recently. And we’re looking for the sporting stars of tomorrow. Whether you feel this person has premier league potential – or is an Olympic hopeful – You can nominate them.

And they don't have to be an athlete – They could be a coach or trainer who inspires excellence in others. We’re looking for someone who gives their personal best – every time.


Entrepreneur of the Year

Sponsored by SHEilds UK

The Entrepreneur of the Year Award is for people who take great ideas and, through sheer hard work and determination, turn them into great businesses. We are looking for innovative, successful new business people who, even in times of austerity, haven’t just created a profitable business but have renovated, reinvigorated or re-energised their local area and who care enough to have a clear idea of their environmental foot-print. If you know someone who has what it takes, nominated them now.


Teacher of the Year

Sponsored by St Stephen's Shopping Centre

The Teacher of the Year Award is all about celebrating all of those who dedicate their time to helping and inspiring students to achieve their full potential. Some teachers go above and beyond to support a student who is struggling, other give their time to organise extra-curricular activities in sport or music or drama.

Whether you are a pupil or a parent, we want you to nominate a teacher for their outstanding contribution to education in our area.


Volunteer of the Year

Sponsored by Jackson's Bakery

The Volunteer of the Year Award recognises that the Viking Radio area is full of great communities, and every community has people who care passionately about it. These publicly-spirited people inspire others to care for the local area as much as they do. They are endlessly enthusiastic about community projects and help out when and wherever they can – even when there’s nothing in it for them personally. If you’ve been helped by, or inspired by someone like this – nominate them now.
