This vet saved an abandoned puppy from being put down

This puppy is adorable

Published 9th Aug 2016

A vet with a heart of gold has saved the life of a little pup who was going to be put down by his owners.

Imgur user kaffekalle was working in her veterinary clinic on her 30th birthday. A tiny puppy was about to be euthanised at the request of his owners after he was born with an opening in his upper mouth, known as a cleft palate.

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Luckily, the little dog had just met the lady who would save his life. In a post on Imgur, she explained “On my 30th birthday, a chocolate lab had a c-section at my veterinary clinic and had 9 puppies. One of those puppies had a cleft palate, and the owners opted to euthanize the puppy. Knowing the sucker I was, another vet tech got the family to sign the puppy over and got me to foster the puppy."

The veterinarian explained what happened when she brought the little guy home to meet her cat, Quinn. “First night home, Quinn (Spawn of Satan) took an interest in this squealing creature. It broke my heart because I told her that he probably wouldn’t live two weeks.”

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Kaffekalle explained more about his condition “It is a blessing to be able to provide humane euthanasia to puppies with cleft palates. Depending on the severity of the cleft, and if it affects the hard or soft palate, puppies usually do not thrive. The space in the roof of their mouth does not allow them to suckle properly, and they eventually die of starvation. This little chocolate bean had no idea he had some bad genetics and latched quickly to his binky. At this point, I have been up every 1-2 hours religiously tube-feeding this little boy with a red rubber tube and syringing Esbilac (puppy milk replacer). I am exhausted, but realizing my little “science experiment” might actually survive. I took him on knowing that he might not live.”

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Bronson and his new owner formed a real bond over the few weeks they spent together, and Kaffekalle was determined to help her new best friend survive.

Speaking to a veterinary surgeon, she booked the little pup in to have surgery on his mouth and allow him to eat solid food and live a normal life.

“The day had come. April 29th, 2016, my 31st birthday. I was a nervous wreck, but excited that this hard year was finally coming to a close. My baby boy, my best friend, the bane of my existence and the absolute love of my life, was finally going to have a normal life…The surgeon explained to me (as I watched), that he was literally going to lift the skin from the right side, flip it to the left, tuck it, and suture it.”

It was a success, and Bronson now lives a happy life with his new family!

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“The tissue is almost completely healed, he is able to play with toys, chew on raw hides, swim in lakes, go on walks, bring me sticks…basically live the rest of his life as a perfectly normal lab… I love my dogs.”

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Watch the video of Bronson's first swim below: