Surge In Patients Accessing Hull's A&E

People are being asked to use alternatives to Hull Royal Infirmary's emergency department due to a rise in hospital admissions.

Published 9th Dec 2014

People are being urged to use alternatives to Hull Royal Infirmary's emergency department due to a recent rise in admissions.

Over the past 48 hours, the hopsital has experienced a high number of emergency attendances, with a significant number of patients requiring admission to hospital.

Staff are now urgently advising patients to use alternatives within the community, such as Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, wherever possible.

Jonathan Wood, Operations Director for Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“Hospital services are always subject to peaks and troughs in demand, but the winter period places additional pressure on services as we see more people with multiple or complex illnesses.

“Work is ongoing within our hospitals and our services at the moment to create additional capacity, but this will not happen in time to assist with the current pressures we’re experiencing.

“Once again, our staff are doing an amazing job in helping to care for everyone who comes through the doors. But whilst we are seeing more seriously ill people arriving at hospital, we are also seeing a significant number of people who could have received an appropriate level of treatment elsewhere, and probably more quickly too.

“To ensure we can concentrate on the very sickest and most vulnerable patients, we would ask for everyone’s cooperation at this time and urge them to explore local alternatives for healthcare advice and treatment.”