Students across East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire have huge fears about cost of living

Many students are going back to University this week

Published 27th Sep 2022

Many students across East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire return to University this week.

And a lot of them say they're deeply concerned about the cost of living.

A study suggests the cost of living crisis means many are at "breaking point".

The National Union of Students carried out the research and says a lot of their members are at "breaking point".

92 per cent believe money worries are affecting their mental health.

It also say the cost of student accommodation has risen by 61 per cent in the last decade.

We spoke to Hull student Sally Roache.

She's starting at Newcastle University.

She told us: "I'm really scared to be honest because I'm thinking you don't get a lot of loan funding from the Government as it is anyway."

"With the cost of living increasing so much - I'm nervous."

"I'll have to work alongside my studies but I don't know how much time I'll have to work because studies are my main focus."

"But I'll have to get a part time job or something."

"I'm very nervous about if I'm going to have enough money to get my food shop weekly or whatever."

"I'm trying to figure out how to budget myself as much as possible but it's unknown because the cost of living could increase even more."