Six Covid fines issued by Humberside Police over Easter weekend

The force says the majority of people followed the restrictions.

Dr McMahon expressed his condolences to people who lost loved ones during the pandemic
Author: Harry LongPublished 6th Apr 2021
Last updated 6th Apr 2021

Six Covid fines were issued by Humberside Police over the Easter weekend.

Three were issued in Hull and three in Scunthorpe.

The fixed penalty notices were issued for breaches of the coronavirus guidelines - but the force says the majority of people followed the restrictions.

Assistant Chief Constable Darren Downs said: “We are really pleased that our communities were able to enjoy the long weekend safely.

“We spoke with a number of people and groups at our hotspot areas over the weekend, such as the beaches, engaging, explaining and encouraging them to follow the guidance and laws in place.

“I am pleased to say that the majority of people were following the restrictions in place or did comply with engagement when stopped by our officers.

“Three fixed penalty notices were issued in Scunthorpe to three people travelling within the same vehicle who were not part of the same household or bubble. This was following an intelligence led stop for an unrelated offence.

“Three further fixed penalty notices were issued in Hull over the weekend, one for failing to isolate following a positive test, one for operating a business that under current regulations must remain closed and one for travelling with people not in their household or bubble.

“As the restrictions continue to ease, I would encourage the public to remain vigilant and not get complacent. We are in a really good place with vaccinations still progressing at a quick pace and cases steadily decreasing, however it’s important everyone continues to follow the laws and guidance in place to ensure the easing can go ahead as currently set out.”