Scunthorpe Steelworkers March On Brussels

5,000 steelworkers from 15 different countries are taking part in today's rally to the EU to call for fair trade and a level playing field within the industry.

Published 12th Feb 2016

Steelworkers from Scunthorpe are among thousands marching to the EU in Brussels today to call for fair trade and a level playing field within the industry.

It's set to be the biggest protest marches in the history of the European steel industry.

5,000 workers from 15 different countries are in Belgium's capital for today's demonstration - which will be lead by the boss of Tata Steel Europe.

John Laurens works at the Tata plant in Scunthorpe and is one of around 900 workers facing redundancy there.

He is in Brussels today and has been speaking to our reporter, Natalie Bell:

Roy Rickhuss, General Secretary of Community, will lead the UK contingent. Speaking ahead of the march, Roy Rickhuss said:

"Steelworkers across Europe are feeling the effects of unfairly traded imports and a lack of government action. Unions and businesses are joining together and with one voice demanding our governments back our steel industry.

"The UK government have a lot to answer for and should be doing more to stand up for UK steel in Europe and around the world. But instead of showing leadership in Europe they are blocking tougher penalties for steel dumping and backing Market Economy Status for China. The UK and Europe cannot afford to lose its steelmaking capacity, so our government and the European Commission desperately need to start defending our industry and demonstrating that their actions match their warm words."