Scunthorpe Rugby Player Deported

Rewiti Vaimoso - also known locally as 'Woody' - is having to return home to New Zeland today, despite calls for him to be allowed to stay.

Published 16th Jan 2015

A Scunthorpe rugby player is being deported back to New Zealand today, despite a big campaign for him to stay.

Rewiti Vaimoso moved to the town ten years ago on his girlfriend's visa but following their separation last year - he was told he must leave.

Local MP Nic Dakin was among those who fought for him to be allowed to remain in the UK and is disappointed it's come to this. He told Viking FM:

"Woody - as we call him locally - has been a real ambassador for sport in the Scunthorpe area for rugby and has done lots of great work, not only on the rugby field but with young people so it is a real shame that he has had to go back to New Zealand.

"Unfortunately we're living in a time when common sense has been thrown out of the window when it comes to immigration. You can't blame the government in a way for sticking strictly to the rules and Rewiti accepts, as we all do, that according to the rules, he doesn't meet those rules but we would like a bit of common sense really.

"To be fair to the immigration minister, he did look at this case himself but he didn't feel he could use any discretion because of the precadence it would cause elsewhere. I think in that situation we have to celebrate what Woody has done locally."

The Home Office told us Rewiti's visa application was turned down because it did not merit grant of "leave outside the UK". A spokesman said:

"All applications are considered on their individual merits and in line with the immigration rules.”

“When someone is found to have no right to remain in the UK we expect them to leave the country voluntarily. Where they do not we will seek to enforce their departure.

"Mr Vaimoso’s application for leave to remain in the UK was refused as the reasons stated on his application were not exceptionally compelling or compassionate and do not merit a grant of ‘Leave Outside the Rules".