River Rescue Pair Were 'Drunk'

It’s been revealed two men who were rescued from the River Hull were drunk and had gone for a swim.

Published 14th Jul 2015

It’s been revealed two men who were rescued from the River Hull were drunk and had gone for a swim.

The men who were in their twenties initially refused to come out of the water, but had to be helped out by fire crews early on Tuesday morning (14th July).

Both of them were showing signs of hypothermia and were treated by at the scene.

Watch Manager Andy Redfern from Humberside Fire and Rescue Service said: “Fortunately the men will make a full recovery, but had we not arrived when we did, this situation could have been far worse.

“With the warm weather, incidents of this nature are more likely as some people think nothing of jumping into water to cool down, putting themselves at risk. I can’t stress enough how dangerous it can be, especially if you have been drinking.

“The current can be very strong and hypothermia setting in is the biggest risk. We are here to respond to emergencies, but we urge people to think about their actions as this situation could have been avoided.”