Rising Number Of Families Turn To Food Banks This Christmas

An increasing number of families in Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire have had to turn to food banks to get by this Christmas.

Published 19th Dec 2014

The number of families in Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire forced to use food banks looks set to double this Christmas.

Hull Food Bank says it expects to have fed around 500 people by the end of this month - that's almost a 50% increase on this time last year.

"We will nearly be at double difference with people coming to us this December compared to last December. It is really concerning that these numbers are still increasing, but what's more concerning is that the numbers are still mirroring and they aren't going down at all. But it is so incredible to see the city of Hull coming together to help other local people.

"We're seeing about a 22% increase in the number of people being referred to us over this Christmas period, which is 22% far too much, let alone the numbers that are mirroring what we saw last year. The positive is that we are prepared through the generous donations of the local public who are really giving so much food at this time of year.

"We're expecting to have helped around 450 people throughout this month, which is about 150 more than we helped last year. It is a difficult time of year for many, at Christmas there are lots of bills, whether or not that's presents or if it is a very large unexpected utility bill, that really happens and I think we're going to see that more and more in the New Year too."

Sarah says despite numbers increasing, people are still reluctant to ask for help:

"My office is next door to the distribution centre and we just see shadows walking backwards and forwards across the windows and you can see the bright red vouchers and they're really trying to work out if they want to come in or not because they don't know what's going to happen. There is a fear or being judged, there is a fear of being belittled but actually it is the complete opposite."

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