Remembrance day sees 20,000 poppies at Hull Minster

It remembers the fallen and marks the 100th anniversary of the Royal British Legion

Field of poppies
Author: Andy MarshPublished 11th Nov 2021

Today's Remembrance day across the country.

It's a chance to mark the sacrifices made by the armed forces during two world wars and other conflicts.

Hull Minister is displaying 20,000 poppies.

They're being displayed in the form of soldiers.

Not only are they to remember the fallen but also to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Royal British Legion.

It's all the work of artist Martin Waters.

He said he thought about the various conflicts like the one in Afghanistan.

"It just struck me at the time, the idea is they come along and lay their poppy along with mine in remembrance".

"It's a great space to put their poppies and feel they were kept and looked after and doing their job."

"We use our poppies every year".

"I just get more and more, there's 150,000 all together because at times I've different 3 or 4 different ones in different cities.