Parents here fined over £250,000 for term time absences

More than 4,000 parents in Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire were penalised for taking their kids out of school in 2014/15.

Published 6th Jul 2016

Parents across Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire were fined over a quarter of a million pounds last year for taking their kids out of school.

Over 4 thousand parents were fined in total 2014/15, with over 2,700 in the East Riding alone.

In the same year, Hull City Council handed out over 1,000 unauthorised absence notices to parents - which generated more than £65,000.

Meanwhile, North East Lincolnshire Council fined just under 700 parents.

Local authorities say the notices act as an important reminder that taking children out of school during term term - unless for exceptional circumstances - is unacceptable.

An East Riding of Yorkshire Council spokesperson said:

"'The information released in relation to the number of fines issued by East Riding of Yorkshire Council has not been weighted against the other authority information on number of schools or compulsory school aged pupils, so is not comparable in anyway.

'All notices issued in our authority have been issued in line with legislation and our Education Related Penalty Notice Code of Conduct. The notices are issued as a reminder that taking your child out of school, even for a short period of time reduces their chances of achieving their full academic potential. Children are in school for 190 days per year, leaving 175 days for them to potentially enjoy family time. Since September 2013, Head teachers can only authorise absence from school for an exceptional circumstance and statutory guidance is clear in telling Heads that a holiday alone is not exceptional.'

A Hull City Council spokesperson said:

"‘It is really important that children do not miss any of their schooling. Whilst acknowledging that the travel industry puts in a significant price differential for holidays in term time, families should avoid taking their children out of school for holidays, unless there are very exceptional circumstances."

Parents are fined £60 per child per period of absence.

Last year, across the UK mums and dads were fined £5.6 million for their children’s unauthorised term-time absences in the 2014/15 school year,

That’s a rise of about £4 million on fines issued in 2012/13 academic year.