Man slammed for promoting second wife dating site

He shared his views on Good Morning Britain

Published 21st Jun 2016

Viewers on Good Morning Britain have slammed businessman Azad Chaiwala for promoting a website that helps people find a second spouse.

His first website is apparently successful with Muslim men and it’s led to the development of another website aimed at Westerners called

Azad insisted there's a high demand for it here in the U.K and that he's seen both men and women using the site.

A shocked Susanna Reid pointed out that it's illegal, to which the 33-year-old responded "Is having an extra girlfriend or mistress illegal?".

"It's a relationship that's a lot more honourable than having a live-in girlfriend and those relationships do exist."

He admitted he was 12 when he realised he was polygamous and revealed that he's also looking for a second wife.

See the interview below:

On it describes polygamy being ‘where an individual has more than one spouse and everyone is in agreement. This is not cheating and certainly is not bigamy.

'Polygamy is a choice and a way of life for thousands of people worldwide’.

In an advert Azad calls it the 'last taboo in our society'.

Some viewers didn’t take kindly to his comments.

Bigamy is illegal in the U.K and can result in a fine or a jail sentence of up to seven years.