Hull 'tent city' campaigners ordered to move

Protestors have until 4pm today to leave Queen's Gardens after Hull City Council won a court order to evict them.

Published 15th Nov 2016

Homelessness campaigners who've set up camp in Hull's Queens Gardens will be forced to leave today.

Hull City Council won a court order yesterday (15 November) to evict them from the area.

They have until 4pm today (16 November) to move.

They starting pitching up tents in the Hull park almost two weeks ago to raise awareness of the problem of homelessness and call for permanent homes for rough sleepers instead of temporary places such as hostels.

The local authority is also now hoping to also get an injunction in place to prevent them from setting up elsewhere in the city.

Hull City Council told Viking:

"“Hull County Court has today (15 November) granted an order to Hull City Council, which will be served on the Tent City protesters later today. It instructs them to remove their encampment from Queen’s Gardens by 16.00hrs on Wednesday 16 November. We hope the organisers of the encampment will cooperate fully with the legal ruling so that the land can be returned to public use.

“Our priority remains to get rough sleepers off the street. Since the protest arrived in Hull we have successfully found accommodation for six of the ten rough sleepers. Whilst the camp is being removed, outreach workers from our partners Humbercare and Emmaus will be on hand to assess the needs of anyone who is still at the site so we can offer them hostel accommodation.

“The Court adjourned Hull City Council’s application for an injunction to prevent them from setting up camp elsewhere in the city. The hearing will be heard tomorrow (16 November).”