Football Fans From North East Lincolnshire Travel Down to Wembley For England Vs France Match To Pay Their Respects

30 football fans from across North East Lincolnshire are traveling down to Wembley stadium to pay their respects to those lost in Paris over the weekend, despite security worries.

Published 17th Nov 2015

After the events in Paris on Friday 13th many have held minute’s silences and memorial services. Although extra security measures globally have been put in place there is still worry and concern about security.

One group of football fans are continuing to go to the game this evening despite this. Viking FM spoke to the group as they travelled down to Wembley. Only two people had dropped out of the trip because of concerns. However, four extra people asked to join them in light of the events in Paris to pay their respects.

David Beverley, coach driver for the group from Bernard’s Coaches explains how terror attacks won't break football fan's spirt but instead brings them together...

'The general feeling of most of us football fans, its football united tonight because they tried to hit football fans in Paris on Friday night and that's really hurt a lot of people. Imagine what would have happened in the Stade De France if those bombers had got inside the stadium.'

'We shouldn’t let the terrorist attacks stop us, but we've also got to remember that those people have lost their lives, and feel sorry for their families, and show a little bit of mourning. Which I think people will be shocked with what’s happening at Wembley tonight; I'm going to be helping put a tri-coloured French flag up where we normally put the George cross up.'

'Footballers have got to stand up. And I think the French footballers are doing well in what they are doing tonight, as ones lost a relative and ones lost a very close friend. You have to give them all credit for attending Wembley tonight to play that game.'

'It is global and my heart goes out to everyone involved. And I'm sure most of the fans at Wembley tonight it will do for most of them too. They will feel sorry and remorse to what's happened over the weekend.'

A minutes silence will also be held at the England Vs France game tonight at the Wembley stadium.