Faster Improvements Needed At Hull Schools

That's according to a latest Ofsted inspection.

Published 1st Feb 2016

Much more needs to be done to improve education standards at Hull schools.

That's according to Ofsted.

Officers visited the city in December and found that while the city's primaries are "improving rapidly", secondary schools and support for advanced pupils and over 16s provision wasn't up to scratch.

Nick Hudson, Ofsted's Regional Director for the North East, Yorkshire & Humber, told us that the local authority has been “too slow” in recognising the improvements that need to be made to drive up standards.

He also said that schools in the city have been at the bottom of the GCSE league tables for “far too long”.

The council say they're now working on an action plan to raise education standards to at least the national average by 2017 and ensure all pupils attend a 'good' school.

Mil Vasic, Hull City Council Director for Children, Young People and Family Services, said:

“We accept the inspector’s findings, which confirmed our own self-evaluation. We are, of course, fully committed to addressing the areas for improvement and the work has already started.

“Our priority remains to raise educational attainment by working with families and with all of our schools, colleges and academies and, in particular, to raise the aspirations of our young people and the value placed on a good education.

“I am confident that if we all work together and focus on what matters - quality leadership and teaching in schools coupled with family support for pupils - we can drive forward educational attainment, skills and employability for our children and young people, to where it needs to be.”

Councillor Rosie Nicola, Hull City Council Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Learning, Skills and Safeguarding Children, said:

“I welcome the report and its findings. Whilst we recognise there is much more that needs to be done, we are encouraged that the inspectors have acknowledged that progress is being made and we are fully committed to driving forward the required improvements.

“I am impressed with how everyone involved in our city’s schools, colleges and academies are galvanising behind this agenda and displaying a strong will to improve.

“I strongly believe that we can quickly implement the changes. It is evident that the inspectors have confidence that our senior leadership team knows what needs to be done.”